Statutory Approvals and EIS

Prepared in October 2000, for the then owner Black Range Minerals, the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) assesses the development of the Sunrise Project (previously the Syerston Nickel Laterite Project). The EIS was prepared in accordance with the provisions of Part 4 of the NSW Environment Planning and Assessment Act, 1979 to accompany the development application for the Project. Development Consent for the Project was granted in 2001. This development consent has since been modified in 2005, 2006, 2017, 2018 and 2022.

The EIS, and key statutory approvals can be viewed below:

Development Consent

Mining Lease

Environment Protection Licence

Sunrise Project EIS Volume 1

Sunrise Project EIS Volume 2

Sunrise Project EIS Volume 3

Sunrise Project EIS Volume 4